Kartik Aaryan will be back in his chocolaty boy avatar in Shehzada. The film was earlier scheduled to hit the big screens on February 10, 2023. However, it will be released a week later, which is now on February 17, 2023. Now the makers have released the title track of the film. In this, the pair of Karthik Aryan and Kriti Sanon is looking amazing. The steamy dance of both is winning the hearts of the audience. Please tell that Shahzada is a remake of Allu Arjun’s film Alavaikunthapuram. It is directed by Rohit Dhawan. Apart from Karthik and Kriti, the film also stars Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala and Ronit Roy in lead roles. Shehzada is all set to release in theaters on 10 February 2023.
Amitabh Bachchan ने मुंबई में 83 करोड़ में बेचा डुप्लेक्स, हुआ 52 करोड़ का प्रॉफिट, जानिए प्रॉपर्टी की खासियत
मुंबई (Mumbai) 20 जनवरी (The News Air): बॉलीवुड के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन (Amitabh Bachchan) ने अपने ओशिवारा (Oshiwara) स्थित डुप्लेक्स...